Elizabeth Burns on desk writing notes

Elizabeth mentors private investors in the Robbie Burns method of share trading. She specialises in coaching people to develop their own winning
strategies in:

  • Successfully managing their SIPP
  • Profitable Spreadbetting
  • Timing BUYS and SELLS
  • Having a winning TRADING MINDSET

Do Any Of These Statements Apply To You?
If so, Elizabeth Can Help!

  • I analyse for too long before making a decision and miss out on gains.

  • I get confused about when to sell a share and take profits.

  • I have a large amount in my SIPP that I want to grow but fear losing my capital.

  • I would love to try spread betting but worry I will end up owing money.

  • I follow people into trades rather than trusting my own judgement.

  • I would like to develop winning trading strategies.

  • I have more than £5,000 to invest.

  • It all makes sense when I read about trading and/or come to a seminar but then when on my own again, making decisions is difficult.

‘Elizabeth gave me back my confidence. I was stuck after a run of losses but didn’t want to give up so signed up for some coaching and what a difference! I now feel very positive about my trading and I am making money again!’



‘I suspected I was over-trading due to boredom but knowing that wasn’t enough to stop. With Elizabeth’s guidance I could understand the reasons behind my behaviour and change my patterns. I now trade less but better.’

Anisha B


‘Elizabeth is a gifted coach. She knows the questions to ask to unlock the subconscious blocks to success’.



‘Money well spent. Mrs NT* has the subject knowledge and coaching experience to help anyone with the psychology of trading.’



‘I struggled with spread betting even though I knew it was a way to trade tax free. Elizabeth transformed my approach, it is now part of my armory and saving me a lot in capital gains payments.’



‘I have learned so much from coaching. Not just my trading but my life too has improved since our sessions. Thank you!’



‘At the beginning of 2022 I felt fed up with trading. I didn’t want to admit my losses to anyone. I blanked them so I didn’t learn from them. Now that Elizabeth is my trading coach, I have someone I trust to discuss my trading with who also holds me accountable so I have to do what I say I will do! I would recommend her to anyone who wants to get better at trading’.



‘My coaching sessions with Elizabeth have been instrumental in highlighting specific areas for me to focus on which have significantly helped improve my trading strategy & decision making. Elizabeth has a great knack of listening and asking the right questions to tease out many bad habits I had developed subconsciously. From our sessions I have built a plan of key principles to adhere to that has really helped me maintain discipline and focus especially given the tough market conditions at present. I would highly encourage anyone to work with Elizabeth, I have found the process extremely rewarding and the progress in my trading has been extremely valuable particularly in spread betting and shorting two areas that I personally found quite challenging. Thanks Elizabeth!!’

Vikesh P

‘I had three coaching sessions with Elizabeth, which really boosted my confidence. She was great at challenging my assumptions and opening up new ideas around my trading routines. In particular, she helped me get clear about what I was really trying to achieve, which is crucial. We also worked on creating a disciplined approach to trading, including devising valuable checklists. Coaching with Elizabeth has really helped me become a better trader, and I recommend her sessions wholeheartedly.’

Gary W

‘I have spent many hours this week putting in place the things we spoke about and I will also be spending most of next week doing the same thing - testing out some strategies and getting a bit of a production line going (a sustainable one). I feel you have enabled me to get some of my ’trading mojo’ back and I am feeling very positive about putting a manageable system in place and finding decent shares to trade. Thank you again for the 3 sessions which have been so useful.’

Janet M


To find out more please enter your name and email and I will get back to you with more information shortly. Alternatively please feel free to contact me via email anytime.

Coaching With Elizabeth
